" Drawing is like making an expressive gesture with the advantage of permanence " H. Matisse
" Painting is just another way of keeping a diary " P. Picasso
but perhaps what says it best:
" It is not your paintings I like, it is your 'painting' " A. Camus
Mia Grondahl
Are they pretty? Perhaps, perhaps not. But there is a beauty to be sensed in all of them.
Mia Grondahl
Raw emotions are often crass and unrefined. Are their screams heard or is it easier to dismiss them?
Answers are all there in vibrant splashes of colour, bold and crude or carefully designed expressing the drive that steers a people forth.
For, when words alone fall short, the irrepressible desire to reach does not simply fade away. It 'will' put its stamp wherever it can or risk being stamped out by the bleak, oppressive environment that surrounds it~ not unlike a flickering flame snuffed out when deprived of air.
A surge of expression find its canvas
wherever it can
Photograph: Mohamed El Hebeishy
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"The people of Egypt are struggling to reclaim their country as their own while remaining peaceful. Some have used the can to disperse their message while others use their art."
See more: http://www.fatcap.com/article/graffiti-egypt-1.html

"Leave" by Mohaned Khater

"I die at Al Tahrir square, but You do not rule me and I live humiliated, You will leave Mubarak" by Kodak Agfa

left: "Poster about who is responsible, what they did and what the outcome is" by rouelshimi
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posters by freestylee
Video link:
ahmed hararah graffiti - mansoura - Dakahlia - EGYPT
and for the sound of a living diary of walls
here find 'Folan el Folany' (a someone of a someone)
here find 'Folan el Folany' (a someone of a someone)
accompanied by the both breezy and sultry tones of the 'nai' flute breathing warm air all around a feeling of despair.
With the loss of loved ones, a nation aims to remember and cherish every breath of life that once was and to etch its memory into forgotten corners of our minds
“We are all Khaled Said.”
"Your love is freedom."
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With many thanks to SaraH for shared material.
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