Nasser tried to kill Political Islam by
driving it underground. Instead it proliferated and counted much of
Egypt in its ranks only 20-30 years later.
You cannot kill an
idea or send it into a black hole. Fact: Political Islam as an ideology
exists in this country, best try and work with moderate political
Islamists instead of pushing more and more of them to all out warfare
against the state as their only hope.
Sad day, in a week of
near straight violence. I'm bracing myself for even more on New Years
Eve and Coptic Christmas Eve. May all victims rest in peace."
Individuals may appear targeted when finding themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time including
those who through human instinct alone find themselves rising to defend
another fellow human being seen to be subjected to unnecessarily brutal
may well have many believe that everyone can be branded if only so
that they can do away with each and every one who does not succumb to
tightly clenched control and moreover the abuse thereof.
Good lies passive until some evil prods it to utter, if not act, as shown here in another status. We take courage as a nation from such unwitting impulses of felt expression that Truth in time inevitably shines through regardless of multiple cloud formations that endeavour to obscure it.

ShelS 2 January"As
many of you know, I have deliberately kept myself out of the FB
political scene and away from the futile discussions of the 'wiz or
a-gain-ist' syndrome that have plagued us as Egyptians for a long time
now - but can no longer stand silent
against 'injustice' in the name of 'justice' - really sorry and very
saddened on a personal and public level. I know of these innocent people
from close quarters -as friends of friends- and am devastated by what
has happened to them. I am sharing K. Amer's post of N kamal's status update so that you too be moved by their
story and pray for their freedom from arrest - may God Almighty give
them the courage to endure the miserable conditions they are suffering
and give their family, friends and loved ones the strength to endure
their absence. May their appeal grant them their freedom and may they be
able to join the warmth of family and friends soon."
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