Khaled Ali. With all Arabic names meanings thereof are somewhat subliminally evoked whether appropriately so or not. Although of no particular consequence, a translation here may indeed be considered appropriate:
Khaled: eternal, glorious. Ali: noble, sublime. (herein also referred to as KA.)
"It is not enough to conquer; one must learn to seduce." Voltaire.
Khaled: eternal, glorious. Ali: noble, sublime. (herein also referred to as KA.)
"It is not enough to conquer; one must learn to seduce." Voltaire.
PERHAPS it is easier to contemplate rout and defeat from the offset rather than to entertain hopes that may never materialise. But for a dawn to exist, giving the very process of change a chance is paramount.
As with all introductions, we naturally and quite helplessly, are drawn to observation of physical attributes. How does this translate when it comes to a relatively unknown entity running for presidency of a country on the brink of possibly ‘radical’ change?

Khaled Ali's embouchement around plainly angled words is striking. It presents itself in a visible sneer, denoting an undefeated purposeful stance; perhaps an advantageous characteristic in light of difficult circumstances. Scrutiny is a powerful driving force and one KA appears to be amply endowed with.
The country is in for sharp change.
A certain crudity of address, free from affectation is perhaps an essential ingredient for survival at all levels.
Following such a tumultuous period, a leader will necessarily require character traits that enable him to uphold and support principles whilst allowing him to escape succumbing to pressures of considerable magnitude.

An unfazed glance verging upon arrogance appears etched upon KA’s face, tinged with pharaoh-like features.

The hand gestures of little finesse denote lack of affectation and indicate a determined, down to earth approach. They reflect his self-professed 'working class and proud of it' background and attitude.
Were these physical attributes free-standing they might well alienate rather than draw in, but therein lie elements of considerable substance. Once registered, the somewhat off-putting mannerisms appear to morph themselves into undertones of decisiveness and serious contemplation. Khaled Ali’s points of discussion are grounded and upheld by veritable examples.
Once we have listened to Khaled Ali's ideas spoken in contrasting, gentle, dulcet tones during interviews, we gather there is indeed a very purposeful and efficacious facet to this personality. The following is derived from one such interview with Mr.Yosri Foda on the 29th of February 2012.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZpr_79Y7Fo&feature=share (in Arabic).
Even though relatively new to the scene, Khaled Ali may be said to be attached to the core of what propelled the revolution in the first place. His mature stance and yet, relatively speaking, young years place him in between two of the factions present and in the running: the dynamic youth groups, more often than not criticised for romanticism of cause and the somewhat fossilised older candidates appearing static and uncharismatic for the most part. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZpr_79Y7Fo&feature=share (in Arabic).
With ElBaradei’s greatly venerated stature still notably present within the consciousness of many, Khaled Ali’s contrasting persona emanating from apparently nowhere becomes even more intriguing. But, incongruous as it may seem, KA’s popularity may indeed begin to seep through and reach those who have been inspired by ElBaradei’s peaceful demeanour and address. If that occurs there would indeed appear to exist some common denominator between the two vastly contrasting figureheads: Quite simply that would be ‘assured reasoning’.
KA's manner throughout the interview is tempered with an unassuming 'id' in referring to himself as ‘unrepresentative’ of any faction, party or group; stating he has emanated from the general diversity of the public spectrum. With this notion underlined, a tangible confidence ‘to lead’ is automatically sensed.
There may well be a fear of the degree of socialism such a persona could ultimately command. He appears for the time being however to present an unmitigated anchor towards promoting essential relief to the poorer communities whilst pointing out its compatibility with endeavours towards self-betterment. He appears pro acquisition of personal wealth so long as the exercise is a legitimate one and respectful of national funds per se.
He speaks of the land's fecundity and natural advantages and questions how wheat can be deficient when the country's climate and soil conditions would indicate no less than a possible abundance thereof. Similarly he refers to minerals and ores such as phosphate and their propensity to exist. He mentions how a particular farmer digging for fertile Nile soil came across a considerable amount of phosphate, following which, in his endeavour to do right, he presented his findings to the government only to be incarcerated for stealing. The salt of the earth in citizenship punished instead of honoured. Such a case as personally witnessed by KA serves as an illustration of a metaphoric castration of all and any who propose to contribute awareness to the Egyptian people of their country’s resources and assets. Particular reference is made to the figurative 'treasure chests' set up; the funds created for the benefit of the few and kept out of sight from the general public and thus detracting from national reserves unboundedly.
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photo: amiT |
KA is keen to draw attention to his peasant background and basic skills; his professional legally affiliated expertise notably forming a foundation relevant to dealing with diverse issues. He delivers concepts with a certain veracity of context quite unprecedented by other candidates and emphasises the urgent need to eradicate the network of crooks dealing corruptly with the country's assets, responsible for severely diminishing the nation's prosperity. He refers to those who have had to struggle to make a living and how a majority of such decidedly need the chance to bud. He speaks about agricultural and horticultural equipment and designed programmes and asks for unadulterated regulation of all public sectors. He expresses aversion towards revisiting courses of the previous regime pointing out that legal positions should not be dependent upon instatement of figureheads simply due to their prior status; instead, the youth should be encouraged to put their views forward and allowed to present them with clarity rather than be quashed and dismissed as unrealistic before even given a chance.
There is reference to how the ordinary man in the street needs unions to support his livelihood if jeopardised unlawfully or unjustly. Whether that involves strikes or not it remains essential as part of regulation and protection of the working force, keeping rampant exploitation at bay.
Another reference is made to the general flinching when ‘democracy’ and other ideals are mentioned, referring to the general dread being part of a 'push the button' mentality; triggers occurring in everyday discourse.
Two points are raised as integral to reform:
1) Enforcement of a minimum wage in all walks of life if only for a very basic start to the existence of 'some' social equality.
2) Projects involving national funding to be regulated and encouraged rather than persecuted. Endeavours that are aboveboard can only allow the country to benefit through a considered percentage allotted to its treasury at all times.
KA's views undoubtedly embrace a significant degree of altruistic socialist principles but to what extent is yet to become apparent.
The MB and all similar parties by sheer meshing of politics and religion are seen by many as untrustworthy, overly compromising and indeed, most crucially, consistently inconsistent.
The elderly runners up are seen as too shrouded by the lulls of the past and with little gumption to stand and be counted for, generally speaking, so that in areas which require specific attention their executive skills may appear questionable.
The youth groups come across as disjointed, finding themselves thriving mainly upon disagreeing and clashing rather than managing to detail their viewpoints. This perhaps mainly due to the fact that they are cast aside lest their revolutionary aspirations present themselves as a threat to the old, well-rehearsed measures firmly in place.KA’s own personal struggle from a relatively run of the mill non-affluent background plus his occupation as lawyer during Mubarak rule years and therefore familiarity with the court system imbues him with an awareness of the corruption encountered in everyday life. He elucidates using real life examples.
Regarding Mubarak himself, with accent upon tempered fairness and
justice he voices what is perhaps a reiteration of so many: Should not Mubarak be in a commonplace hospital such as all the unprivileged are thrown into? Should he not experience what the injured, afflicted and ailing bodies of the poor are exposed to; conditions so poor that the help they receive stands to finish them off rather than save them? Patients and their families must forage for their own lint and bandages and hunt for diluted medications and whatever else is unavailable.

KA outlines his detailed prognosis of certain features in Egypt which have been polluted such as the water and discusses measures needed to ameliorate and improve the conditions. He states, as an example, how a fisherman pleading his unfortunate predicament relayed to him how he would embrace being forsaken were he to find himself starving or on death's doors were his only wish for the cessation of waste being thrown into the Nile river and seas be granted. For with that, the fisherman concluded, would come a clearer conscience upon selling his polluted fish in the market place.
KA speaks of the gas supply which presently does little more than protect private enterprise. How this energy is being used indirectly to kill Palestinian children and how regulation of such does not at all necessarily induce war with Israel. He proposes to begin the process diplomatically, allowing it to become a court case. His belief is undeterred: the case would be won since protection of the actual source of supply would be at the heart of the matter and not as presently is the case, the affiliated private contracts, well-known to be linked to the supply under Mubarak rule. He stresses how the country would benefit from regulation and how its wealth would become less compromised and alienated.
KA shows perspicacity in pinpointing issues, clarifying the problems surrounding them and analysing associated, particular solutions. He administers the plausible and addresses the conductible. Moreover, he does so pragmatically without hiatus or turning to utopian aspirations.
Furthermore, he appears to advocate the protection of Egyptians abroad. He challenges the tax surcharges upon the return of an Egyptian who may well have struggled abroad stating how perverse that is to the importance of welcoming his return.
Having listened to Khaled Ali analyse, elucidate and clarify it would appear he is indeed capable of seduction, albeit primarily through substance rather than form, so that the question that now remains is: Will Khaled Ali find himself at the mercy of underhanded tactical deployment or will he acquire licence to conquer and ultimately bring forth a fairness to rule?
Yosri Foda's interview ends with a mellifluous tune, lyrics embracing the notion of every Egyptian raising his head whilst returning to an Egypt of yore, be it from abroad or from an era that has now been shed.
with many thanks to link clarification
submitted by Sh.elS and SaraH.
1 comment:
It's a very interesting read, I come from a position that I know very little of the conditions of peoples' ordinary lives in Egypt and this truly clarifies important points. It seems very daunting with the amount of challenges to be overcome, with a regime that has so neglected the needs of people. It would seem that leadership of a person who can understand the priorities is fundamental. I would imagine that aspirations of the youth must be part of this too.
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