Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Cheer or be damned.
Sympathise or be damned.

In Egypt today, human values have adopted limitations as never before.
It appears inconceivable for any individual to abhor the evil of violence unless it is directed at themselves.
The 2011 January 25th Revolution lies in partial eclipse.
Hatred and anger would take us all on the road to total eclipse were it not for dim memories of an unorganised yet highly principled movement.
The true time continuum has only just begun.

"If the Egyptian revolution of a couple of years ago now looks like a failed revolution, or like no revolution at all, it may be because the people toppled a figurehead but left the structure he’d built to support him still in place, partly because they mistakenly thought they’d joined forces with the very institutions most devoted to keeping that structure in place."

Read more:

The iconic logo of the campaign*
Khaled Said *
"STUCK IN THE MIDDLE and increasingly isolated from the rest of the now pro-Army Tamarod group, April 6 and its activists had to decide what to do next."
Video and article:

* http://egyptianchronicles.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/tamarud-rebels-with-cause.html

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Community MATTERS

Reem in her modest project has tapped into not only a need but a whole world of possiblities. 
Inaudible trapped voices. An expression that may count for as much as or even more than any known art form.

Just like everything in nature itself, all art exists around us, everywhere we look lies its seed ~ blown into the very air we breathe~
But for those who have thoughts and feelings imprisoned within them, only arid desert surrounds. 
The very act of compassionate encouragement for realisation of a perception is something of an artistic enterprise which deserves our utmost respect. 
May updates and feedback light up the way and may a stilled thirst finds its well and a stifled thought discover its canvas.

blogspot link:(via Sara Hegazi)

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Khaled Fahmy: Sisi Is “Much More Dangerous”

"When I say that I have risked my life on the 25th of January and the 28th of January... I was 10 meters away from the front line of the police firing live ammunition at us.  
I was with thousands of other Egyptians. Some of them were shot and some were killed a few meters away from us, from me and my friends.
The reason I did this is that I want my country back." 

Read more: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/foreign-affairs-defense/egypt-in-crisis/khaled-fahmy-sisi-is-much-more-dangerous/