Sunday, 30 June 2013

No shortage

Perhaps above all and beyond the present crisis, the crucial manipulation that led to the globally witnessed blindfolded democracy in the first place cannot go amiss.
The old-age rule of 'divide and conquer' roots itself daily in a people torn between whether to combust or retreat. 

With delusion grand-scale all balance is tipped. Days become numbered. 

Egyptian protesters chant slogans against Egypt's Mohamed Morsi 
while waving Egyptian flags on top of a traffic light during a rally in Tahrir Square in Cairo.
 Photograph: Manu Brabo/AP 
 The orchestration behind the scenes never escapes us, be it the revolutionaries who may suddenly feel obliged to become united with the former anti-rebellion campaign due to a present enemy in common or be it the unpalatable dictates dished out by the MB through the mouth of their chosen and surely victimised leader. Victimised since there are indubitably threats from his elders that surround him in times of reticence or reluctance, grave threats and artful promises that keep him rooted with his heels dug firmly in. He certainly does not rule alone. Furthermore, the former persecution of the MB will have contributed to forming scabs and thickened skins; a self-generating endurance. 
However, with the above noted, there would appear to be no room for compassion due to well-eatablished, wide-scale grievances. 

Adamant to stay seated and in power can only add more fuel to the fire already ablaze and unlike the literal kind, that fuel is not in scarce supply.

Unity requires forgiveness. Forgiveness requires a sense of justice, one incessantly bewailed for its absence.

Egypt smoulders as only more injustices occur, more division and more wrath.
Ironically, a time of inevitable excess.
"... we shouldn't lose the broader perspective that there are fundamental structural problems there.." ~political analyst Shadi Hamid a very worthy analysis 
View more: 
'Protesters directed their anger not just at Morsi but the ruling Muslim Brotherhood, which in two years has gone from a banned movement to the rulers
"Mosques should be for religion, not for politics," Ahmed Sultan, a student, told Al Jazeera.

The U.S. government was also the target of anger, with one banner reading: “America supports killers of the Egyptian people.”

The anti-Morsi protests have been organized by a grassroots campaign calling itself Tamarod, meaning "rebellion" or "insubordination", which claims to have collected the signatures of 22 million Egyptians demanding the president leaves office'

Sunday, 23 June 2013


“The only tyrant I accept in this world is the still voice within.” Gandhi

Many would firmly believe that what we are seeing is orchestrated on so many levels and that a strong Egypt is not in the interest of its enemies. In the interview held in Arabic below, Alaa el Aswany, eminent Egyptian writer and journalist recaps our perspectives and as unwelcome as that is for some, others would find it very timely indeed. 

The more Egyptians unite (regardless of varied motives and incentives involved) the stronger the nation would appear to be. Sadly any propensity for unity is continuously ripped asunder and division incessantly propagated~
Trouble is staring us all in the face one way or another and when something is foul it should not be allowed to get worse, however solving may not as yet be part of the equation.
To unblock a sink you have to remove what obstructs the flow of water first ~ indeed just like the revolution succeeded in doing, however keeping it unblocked is key. 

Many in Egypt would appear to have become blinkered whilst continuing to dig their heels into their own limited outlook further and further with a growing intolerance towards one another~ but then, hard as this may be to believe, with only chaos envisioned in the short term, it may yet simultaneoulsy be a step towards genuine democracy one day, democracy which doesn't quite fulfill itself anywhere due to most countries' political parties being far too similar to distinguish one from the other and therefore difficult to choose between.

When funding is at the root of everything, all we can hope for is deliverance. 
We can read global affairs into this as clearly as we do the daily interior corruption we witness. Whoever we may be and wherever our thoughts take us, we can but hold onto hope and our faith in our inner convictions and beliefs.. if only so that one day we might find the love for Egypt itself be the one thing that rules the country. 
When we all agree with one another on that point alone ~ that will and can make all the difference. 

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


"Hope is the thing with  feathers 
That perches in the soul 
Anonymous ART of Revolution
And sings the tune without the words 
And never stops at all"
                                                                                                                (Emily Dickinson)
 With a link to Mahmoud Salem's article below, this is how many may feel.. 

With just a squirrel of hope, this is how we may read it: a call for merciful divine intervention ~ However we view the present scenario, whatever empathies or aversions we may have for whoever is in charge, few could dispute Egypt is in trouble. 

Many believe compliance is the answer and yet for others, even without visible pointers on the horizon, resistance appears to be imperative. 

Either way, all we can indeed hope for is that Egypt's fate is quite definitely ~not sealed. 

"Had a US channel created a TV show depicting Islamist rule and simply copied and pasted the actions and speeches of the Morsi government, its writers and producers would’ve been called Islamophobic and out of touch with reality. Unfortunately this is reality, and it must change. 30 June cannot come fast enough."

*Link provided by Amira Nowaira