Amira Nowaira /guardian.co.uk,
Read more: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/mar/18/muslim-brotherhood-rejects-egyptian-womens-rights
With the link above, few would not see the validity of debate and value the necessary stand women must take in order to counteract fanatic unreasonable and even unfounded ideologies.
With the following link however, perhaps a pinch of salt or more is necessary since it appears a little simplistic in its viewpoint. Perhaps quite innocently so, lacking a certain depth through cultural discrepancy alone. Issues of culturally related values shape our world not only obviously but at times much more subtly than would appear and should not be dismissed nor self-righteously disparaged.
Values and ways of life vary significantly from land to land and just as we happen to be more comfortable with one we should remain aware that others are equally so with quite another for whatever reason~ often varied and rooted in laws that ideally and if correctly implemented can deliver protection rather than penalty. Change cannot and should not be imposed but rather brought about through focus and prioritisation and by the people themselves.
"Marital rape? Is this a big problem that we have?” she said, suggesting that it might be a Western phenomenon, while sexual harassment in the streets was a far greater concern in Egypt."
Read more: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/15/world/middleeast/muslim-brotherhoods-words-on-women-stir-liberal-fears.html?_r=0
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