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Mustafa Hassan ( Photo – courtesy of his family ) |
'Egypt: Human rights defender Mr Hassan Mustafa sentenced to two years imprisonment'
The official accusation in the documents reads: 'accused of causing "redness on the prosecutor's cheeks" '
اتهامه بالتعدى على وكيل النيابة أحمد درويش، الذى ادعى أن
حسن تهجم عليه، مما أدى إلى احمرار خدودهRead more: https://www.facebook.com/notes/el-nadeem/egypt-human-rights-defender-mr-hassan-mustafa-sentenced-to-two-years-imprisonmen/10151564974389365
Sherif Alaa as shared via Facebook
'A story that you don't read in Western media unfortunately. Dear non-Egyptians, and especially non-Arabic speakers. Let me share a very short story with you.
His name is Hassan Moustafa... This man in the picture was simply one of the reasons for sparking the Egyptian revolution. He was the one who managed to take a picture of the guy named "Khaled Saeed" who was beaten and tortured to death. No one believed the story until Hassan leaked the picture. The death of Khaled Saeed was one of the biggest, if not the biggest, trigger for the Egyptian revolution.
Hassan was sent to prison for 6 months under Mubarak's rule in 2010 accused of "attacking the police" something that never happened. He was released before the revolution and was an important organizer in Alexandria during the revolution.
After Morsi became the president hundreds of activists were killed, jailed and tortured. One day Hassan went to defend some of the arrested activists in Alexandria. He asked the prosecutor "how could you arrest these guys with no legal basis?". Hassan was sentenced 2 years in prison for "making the prosecutor blush". He is accused of causing "redness on the prosecutor's cheeks" This is the official accusation in the documents. He was arrested last January and was sentenced 2 years in prison last March.'
Sherif Alaa http://
'The court decided on Saturday, to postpone the appeal session for the verdict imprisoning the marketing manager to May 4.' http://allafrica.com/stories/201304140107.html
Faltering rhythm
Egypt today
Like the sting of a mosquito that won't stay away

Ordained to sow in order to reap
An MB ensnaring the already weak
Endured by those who dare not speak
Chastising retorts flying to and fro
Arrogant sneers just grow and grow
A land rife with abuse, control and greed
Confused morals, dismissed conscience
Oppression in creed

Confined in course
In condemned man's garb
A proud nation sits
Continuing to bleed
To be duly quashed
Or mercifully freed
Pics from https://www.facebook.com/pages/Anonymous-ART-of-Revolution/362231420471759?fref=ts